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10 Nail care tips [for amazing nails]!

10 Nail Care Tips [for amazing nails]! | KIKO MILANO

Did you know that when it comes to taking care of your nails, getting a manicure is not the only option you have? In fact, you should ideally be taking care of your nails on a daily basis
Does it sound time consuming and boring? It is not so, we can guarantee that, especially if you know exactly what needs to be done!
We have prepared for you here a list of tips and tricks for you when it comes to nail care. Keep reading and you will find out what we are on about!

1. Keep your nails dry and clean

As you do with your skin, hair and body, it is also very important that you clean your nails regularly using water and soap, then make sure you dry them after washing to prevent dirt from accumulating under your nails. 
However, careful not to overdo it as nails soaked in water for long periods of time tend to get more susceptible to breakage and splits.

2. Nourish your nails

We know that moisturising is one of the secrets to healthy skin, but it is often overlooked in nail care. 
While dry, brittle nails can be the result of many factors, they are probably just in need of a bit of nourishment. When applying hand cream, give your nails a little extra attention.

3. Leave your cuticles alone

Now this may come as a surprise. Your cuticles serve to protect your nail, so it is better if you avoid cutting them too much, but rather trim them (with a cuticle trimmer) or nourish them either using cream or cuticle oil. 

4. Treat your nails like you treat your hair

Did you know that both hair and nails are composed of keratin proteins? Well, they are, so it should not be surprising that you should treat them with the same amount of care. 
Nails can become dehydrated and damaged from using polish removal, gels and acrylics frequently just as dyes, chemicals, and heat application tend to damage hair. As nourishment and protection help restore hair issues such as frizz and split ends, it can help improve dry and brittle nails.

5. Be gentle

Make sure that you use good products on your nails. KIKO Milano offers an array of nail products that are gentle on your fingertips, nails and cuticles. 
Think about taking breaks from the nail polish at times and let your nail au naturel and take care of them regularly. 

6. Use High-Quality Remover

Nail polish remover can dry out nails, so it is best that you use a good-quality one, like those offered by KIKO Milano. It is good if your remover of choice has some oil in it, so to make sure you treat your nails as they deserve.
There is also no need for harsh scrubbing or many applications: a paper towel with some remover should do the trick for fast removal. 

7. Think about the products you use

When you shop the products to do your home manicure, think about what you are getting.
When it comes to nail files, you can opt for a glass or crystal nail file, that are more suitable to delicate nails.
Instead of digging under your nails with tools such as a filer, use a gentle nail brush to clean out dirt. Or, for a resourceful alternative, use an extra toothbrush you have set aside to be used on your nails.

8. Be patient with growth

If you are a chronic nail biter, you know the victory of finally growing your nails out past your fingertips. Healthy habits plus patience pay off in nail care. 
But the primary focus should be on figuring out how to strengthen your nails, not solving the puzzle of how to grow them fast. Stronger nails can lead to longer nails if you practice good nail care, but it all takes time. 

9. Apply a base coat for nail protection

Base coat forms a protective layer on your nail and prevents your nails from getting discoloured and stained. It also makes the polish look better on your nails, as applying a coat thick on your nails will enhance the colour of your nail polish. So, the next time you decide to paint your nails, do not skip applying a base coat: it is worth it. 
Base coats, like the ones KIKO Milano offers add shine, evening out the surface while concealing the yellowing.

10. Trim regularly

Just as trimming your hair regularly, the same goes for your nails. Take a nail cutter or nail scissors and cut them neatly. This will help your nail become stronger and stronger.
Take out some time every few weeks to trim your nails and shape them in a manner you like. It is best if you trim your nails in a straight line and then either square or round them off at the tips.
If your nails suffer breakage and splits very often, it is also good to go to a technician and ask for their advice and have them tell you what to do: there may be something you are doing profoundly wrong and getting and an expert’s opinion could prove invaluable!

Now that you have a clearer idea of how to take care of your nails thanks to these 10 little tips, it is important that you make time to take care of your hands and nails, by applying the advice we gave you, we are sure this could make a huge difference!