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How to add volume to your lips? Easy-peasy!

We have all seen and heard about “fuller, more voluminous effect lips”, one of the latest trends of nowadays, that is, making your lips really pop by giving them a fuller look, softer and more supple look. 
Can we achieve this using makeup only? Well, the answer is, luckily, yes and it is pretty easy to do and repeat every day, too.

How to Have Plump Lips? Easy-peasy With Our Tips | KIKO MILANO

What is lip volumiser effect and what does it do?


Lip products are many and can vary from lip balms, lip glosses, lip pencils and lipsticks, many of which are specially designed with the objective of giving your lip a fuller and curvier look, in accordance with nowadays’ favourite trends. 
They are perfect if you want to have an effect that lasts for a few hours and makes your lip really soft. 
Do you want to know how to achieve great results in a few moves? Keep reading this article and we would show how KIKO MILANO answers the need for fuller lips. 
The steps can easily be incorporated to your beauty routine and the results will be right in front of your eyes!

How to add volume to your lips

You need to follow a few steps and the job is done! We put them together below here for you to know:
1.    Exfoliate with lip scrubs.
The first step to give more volume to your lips is definitely prepping them. You can exfoliate them by using a lip scrub, which you can move on your lip in small circles and then rinse out.
2.    Stay hydrated
A most basic function that will go a long way, no matter what products you use, is making sure you stay hydrated
If you have time, you can also soak in a lip mask for 10 minutes for extra hydration. It will amaze you how much a hydrated lip can do to look and fuller!
3.    Use sunscreen
Do not forget to use sun protection, as protecting your lips from the sun is as important as protecting your face. 
4.    Use a clean liner and lipstick
Use makeup to create the illusion with a lip liner that is one to two shades darker than your natural lip colour. Then, before applying lipstick, slightly trace just outside your natural lip line, but no further or it can look unnatural. 
Next, use a lipstick that is near your natural hue to fill out your pout. Darker colours tend to make your lips appear flat. Finish by applying clear lip gloss to the centre of your lips. This will reflect light and create a fuller-looking lip.

How long does the volume effect last

As good as it may seem, the effect does not last forever. 
A secret that you can keep – in your purse – is that you can always carry with you a lip gloss and make sure you re-touch your lips every now and then. 
A good example of an excellent lip gloss to keep with you? Our 3d look lip gloss! Aimed at shaping bright and glossy lips. The lips appear smoother and full, as the radiant texture highlights your smile. 

How to Have Plump Lips? Easy-peasy With Our Tips | KIKO MILANO

A few final pointers on fuller lips


With KIKO MILANO’s lines for lips, including pencils, glosses and lipsticks, it becomes extremely easy to give your lips more volume while being and looking natural and healthy. 
But volume should not be our first objective. 
First of all, we have to make sure that our lips are not cracked nor dry. That is why a consistent beauty routine is recommended. Scrubbing, in particular, can really work wonders. Lip scrubs already contain a mixture of sugar and oil that you can buff gently over your lips to remove skin flakes, preventing further cracking and giving you a smooth canvas for lipstick or gloss. 
You can now draw a sigh of relief knowing that giving your lips more volume effect is actually this easy: you can now achieve that thick, round, hydrated and smooth lip you want in a few simple moves, which is ideal.

Increasing your lips’ volume, making them more supple, as we have seen together, is pretty simple and anyone, even people with more sensitive lips and skin, can do it. Achieving something like voluminous lips is doable and definitely worth a try by using KIKO Milano’s very own products and simply widening your horizons when it comes to your makeup routine. We are sure you can do it, what about you? Try it now and we are sure you will not be disappointed!